v1 Wiki

This is a very simple plugin, you can create MythicMobs spawn totem with it, but other purposes is OK.

How to use?

After load, plugin will generate config.yml file.

  "1": # <----- Totem ID
    blocks: # <----- Totem Block
      - AIR
      - AIR
      - AIR
      - AIR
      - STONE # <----- The Core Block
      - AIR
    command: "mm m spawn TestMonster %world%,%x%,%y%,%z%"  # <----- The command

The totem must be 3x3 size, and the center of totem is the core block. After placed totem, players need click the core block to active it. The totem will disappear and console will send the command you set.

Built-in Placeholders:


%x% - The core block pos, not the player, because I don't want the mob be spawned at my face.




Last updated