MythicTotem is a Spigot plugin for custom BOSS totem summoning.
No need to "click" on a specific block in the totem to activate it; it offers an experience similar to wither-style placement in the vanilla game.
3D totem support.
Supports both vertical and horizontal placement of totems.
The player detection process is seamless and can be configured with adjustable intervals.
Totem size and layouts are unrestricted, breaking free from the traditional limitations like 1x3 or 3x3 found in similar plugins.
Built-in action and condition systems.
Easy-to-use totem configuration.
Support BlockPlaceEvent, PlayerInteractEvent, BlockRedstoneEvent, PlayerDropItemEvent, EntityPlaceEvent as trigger.
New! Full (Premium) version extra support BlockPistonEvent as listener (trigger)!
Compatible with blocks from ItemsAdder and Oraxen.
Support entities like ender crystal, ItemsAdder's furniture and so on in totems! (Premium version only)
Support custom price for totem and make custom totem key. (Premium version only)
Hook into PlaceholderAPI.
Last updated